Marla A. Zupan considers herself to be a lifelong learner. Born in Toronto, she began writing voraciously at a young age, filling journal after journal at Montessori school. Her favorite subjects? Her sister, family, and goldfish! This love of creative writing morphed into travel diaries; trips across Canada and the US as well as to Russia, China, Japan, Iceland, and Alaska each have their own book of memories and tour information.
Marla is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and has extensive experience teaching special education and the intermediate grades. For several years she was a teacher-librarian and loved the exciting position. Currently, Marla is a primary teacher who embraces the everyday challenges of teaching young children. Seeing things through their eyes provides lots of inspiration!
Marla is excited about this travel series and hopes it will inspire children as well as the young at heart to learn more about our global community. Who knows…it may inspire some fascinating travels in the future!